




Mr. Li Zehou believes that the Han Dynasty was the true shaping period of the jade dragon design, reaching an unprecedented height in form. The overall style of Han Dynasty art is profound and elegant. On the basis of the free and unrestrained, vibrant, and diverse postures of the Warring States period, the Han Dynasty jade dragon also presents a noble and powerful posture, a momentum of ups and downs, and a vivid charm. He also said that during the Han Dynasty, jade dragons began to appear with limbs that resembled beasts, with densely arranged hairline markings on the joints of the limbs representing leg hair. Dragon claws are mostly spherical in shape, usually with three claws. Their long tails are rolled up and often forked, with a few wings appearing on their bodies. They are called Yinglong. The head is longer and the eyes are mostly red phoenix shaped. The eyelid area is mostly marked by a double yin and yang line, with elongated eye tips. The dragon's eye is slightly convex, the mouth is wide open, and the mouth is shaped like an axe. A sharp tooth is carved from the top and bottom, with some parts showing a tongue like shape. Cloud shaped ears, some jade dragons have long and forked horns.


Tianzhu has one eye, two eyes, three eyes, up to nine eyes, twelve eyes, eighteen eyes, etc. Generally speaking, the more eyes there are, the higher the price. However, among the many heavenly pearls, only the Nine Eyed Tianzhu is considered the "King of Tianzhu". Because 'nine' is the largest in the Yang number and has the most noble meaning, and Tibetan compatriots highly value this number. In the eyes of Tibetan compatriots, the Nine Eyed Heavenly Pearl embodies the virtues of the Nine Elements, representing the power and compassion of all beings. It is a magical treasure that Tibetan compatriots and many Buddhist believers love and respect the most.


It is mainly produced in Xizang, eastern Tibet, Bhutan, Sikkim, Ladak, Himalayas and other regions. It is a kind of precious stone. The Tianzhu is a nine eye stone shale, which contains jade and agate ingredients. It is one of the seven treasures in Tibet. Tibetans think that the Tianzhu is a stone from heaven.


What is the Nine Eyed Tianzhu? Why do people who like to treasure want to have the Nine Eyed Tianzhu? The Nine Eyed Heavenly Beads are of the highest quality among the Heavenly Beads, able to avoid all disasters, increase compassion, have prominent authority, and have great benefits. In the practice of the Heavenly Pearl Dharma, the Nine Eyes encompass all the symbols and artistic conception of totems. In the practice of Buddha's Dharma, the Nine Rank Lotus Blossom is reborn in the back field. The 'nine' also symbolizes an unpredictable, insurmountable, and infinitely broad realm. The Nine Eyed Tianzhu is a top-notch and prestigious type of Tianzhu, and Tibetans attach great importance to it.


The Nine Eyes symbolize the movement of the nine planets in nature, including the movement of the universe and the human mind, transforming weakness into strength. Representing the good deeds of the Nine Elements, increasing compassion, prominent authority, and great benefits, it is a precious type of celestial bead; The supreme and noble aura, the rapid achievement of all undertakings in the world, and the ability to avoid all disasters! In the practice of the Heavenly Pearl Dharma, the Nine Eyes encompass all the symbols and artistic conception of totems. In the practice of Buddha's Dharma, the Nine Rank Lotus Blossom is reborn in the back field. The 'nine' also symbolizes an unpredictable, insurmountable, and infinitely broad realm. The meaning of the Nine Eyes Heavenly Pearl is a natural addition to compassion, a prominent authority, and a sense of freedom from suffering and joy. It can also transform small wisdom into great wisdom.

